Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day 292

Today on Facebook everyone has been posting pictures of their lavish feasts and what they are thankful for having in their lives. I could talk about the awesome food, and brag about my family/boyfriend/job/friends, but it struck me to think that 5 months ago I was in the midst of terrible poverty. The feast we had tonight, though it is tradition, slightly disgusts me due to the fact that all of that food could've fed a family for a week, and we made it for one night. I sit here covered in a blanket, wishing the fire was on because it's "chilly", when I should be so grateful to have real walls, a roof over my head, and heat. So, on this Thanksgiving, I am very thankful for my family for giving me support and love. I am thankful for the opportunities that have been provided for me to get an education and find a job. We forget how lucky we are to have these simple amenities and I shoot up a prayer to all of the families I met, and the millions that I didn't meet, wishing them hope for the future and the perseverance to brave the world.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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