Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day 281

This past weekend was special. Being away due to school as unfortunately led to missing way too many birthday celebrations. I am happy to announce that I was able to spend a wonderful day with my Nann for her birthday. Lots of family attended, however some were missed. We will have to get together again for another birthday (Pops...your turn is next)! Here are some pictures of our beautiful weekend in the burg: 

 A trip to the peanut shop for some free samples and gifts...

 A quick stop at a new bakery in downtown smelled so good!

 A walk downtown...

 Visiting Bruton Parish... My grandparent's church and where my parents were married. 
I can honestly state that it hasn't changed one bit!

 The ladies with the birthday girl!

 After an afternoon of previewing old Foley home videos, we learned that every good photograph needs a diva pose...

 The chicas....

 Mother and Daughters...(minus one!)

 Downtown is so beautiful this time of year!

A special walk with a special lady. :)
Happy Birthday Nann!!!

ALSO: Another announcement...
I GOT A JOB!!!!!!!! As of Friday, I am officially employed. More excitement to come in the upcoming week... details to follow. :)

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