Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 267

So, today I can say that I have done something I never thought I would do: A Half Marathon. 13.1 miles. I was inspired by my lovely mother, who was walking with team in training for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The Durham Dashing Divas raised so much for LLS and were rewarded in a successful race. I was honored to walk/jog beside them. It was a good way to start off a Sunday morning. I loved having my mom there to motivate me to reach a little farther and run just a little bit through the soreness. One of the most rewarding parts was running into a man on the way home. He stopped us and said "Thank You" for raising money for LLS. He said that the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society had saved his life by financially contributing to his treatment. He ran the half marathon and said that he wouldn't have been alive today, had they not helped. So, to everyone who donated in my mother's campaign, this is where your donation went. Helping people who truly appreciate the assistance, and saving lives because of it.

Here are some pictures!
 It was a chilly start, but with this much body heat around you, you were warm! We welcomed the sunrise and literally ran right in it's direction. 

 Mile 4...uphill....The first half was actually the easiest part of the race?

 Mom and I in front of the finish line. Wearing some new "Bling Bling" that was rightfully earned. We ran/walked 12-12.5 min miles. It was a great way to feel accomplished. 

The Durham Dashing Divas. 
Crushing personal goals. 
Raising money to save lives. 

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