Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day 292

Today on Facebook everyone has been posting pictures of their lavish feasts and what they are thankful for having in their lives. I could talk about the awesome food, and brag about my family/boyfriend/job/friends, but it struck me to think that 5 months ago I was in the midst of terrible poverty. The feast we had tonight, though it is tradition, slightly disgusts me due to the fact that all of that food could've fed a family for a week, and we made it for one night. I sit here covered in a blanket, wishing the fire was on because it's "chilly", when I should be so grateful to have real walls, a roof over my head, and heat. So, on this Thanksgiving, I am very thankful for my family for giving me support and love. I am thankful for the opportunities that have been provided for me to get an education and find a job. We forget how lucky we are to have these simple amenities and I shoot up a prayer to all of the families I met, and the millions that I didn't meet, wishing them hope for the future and the perseverance to brave the world.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 284

I have officially started my first big-girl job. I can honestly say I work at a lovely facility with lovely people. Thanks to all of my family and friends that have celebrated with me this past week. I am excited to work with patients again.

I was less excited to sprain my ankle earlier this week...which has me out of exercise for the next week at least. Hopefully it's just minor and I can work through it... I getting tired of wincing whenever I want to walk.

Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MITCHELL!!! My baby bro, Mitchell Moo, turns 21 today. I am sure he will be drinking strawberry kiwi capris sun as always.

 Operation Christmas Child boxes!!! 6 boxes from each of us, one from Braxton and another from Britney. 

A celebration package from Margie and Marie from getting my first job. :) Thanks for making my day!
Happy Birthday Mitch! Cheers!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day 281

This past weekend was special. Being away due to school as unfortunately led to missing way too many birthday celebrations. I am happy to announce that I was able to spend a wonderful day with my Nann for her birthday. Lots of family attended, however some were missed. We will have to get together again for another birthday (Pops...your turn is next)! Here are some pictures of our beautiful weekend in the burg: 

 A trip to the peanut shop for some free samples and gifts...

 A quick stop at a new bakery in downtown smelled so good!

 A walk downtown...

 Visiting Bruton Parish... My grandparent's church and where my parents were married. 
I can honestly state that it hasn't changed one bit!

 The ladies with the birthday girl!

 After an afternoon of previewing old Foley home videos, we learned that every good photograph needs a diva pose...

 The chicas....

 Mother and Daughters...(minus one!)

 Downtown is so beautiful this time of year!

A special walk with a special lady. :)
Happy Birthday Nann!!!

ALSO: Another announcement...
I GOT A JOB!!!!!!!! As of Friday, I am officially employed. More excitement to come in the upcoming week... details to follow. :)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 274


After passing by boards...and receiving my license.... and being depressed about being unemployed... I was invited to go away for the weekend to Little Switzerland with one of my BFF's E. We have been best friends since 2005 and I am so blessed to have her in my life. She has had to work so hard this past year, and finally is employed at a GREAT job with GREAT benefits. I am so proud of her and am blessed to have the weekend away.

 E at Linville Falls - Upper Falls....

 And I thought this was a beautiful view...wait until we hiked up to....

 This view! We were JUST DOWN THERE! 

 and then we thought we couldn't get a prettier view until....

 We hiked up to THIS VIEW! SO BREATHTAKINGLY beautiful. 

 Sweaty and Happy at the top of our hike. :)

 Time to light a fire...

 This time, with a lighter that actually works...

 Such a warm and cozy fire...

 Fire + Footie PJs + Wine = RELAX

 The view from the Fox and Hen Den...

 Before breakfast, on the porch...

180 degrees of beautiful. 

I am blessed. <3

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 269


I passed my board exam!!!!!!!!

So, after attending a continuing education course on making foot orthotics, I got an excited text message from a classmate saying that the scores were up. I then had to drive 45 minutes home in anxiety, to check my scores. Lucky for me, they were in my favor. It feels monumental and I have such a relief to know that I have passed. I cannot wait to start this new chapter of my life, as a licensed PT. I graduated high school in 2007. Did I ever think that my journey would entail all that it has? No. Did I ever think I would have lived outside of NC? No. Am I glad I did? Yes.

Cheers to this new part of life! Cheers to a career! Cheers to a lifestyle!


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 267

So, today I can say that I have done something I never thought I would do: A Half Marathon. 13.1 miles. I was inspired by my lovely mother, who was walking with team in training for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The Durham Dashing Divas raised so much for LLS and were rewarded in a successful race. I was honored to walk/jog beside them. It was a good way to start off a Sunday morning. I loved having my mom there to motivate me to reach a little farther and run just a little bit through the soreness. One of the most rewarding parts was running into a man on the way home. He stopped us and said "Thank You" for raising money for LLS. He said that the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society had saved his life by financially contributing to his treatment. He ran the half marathon and said that he wouldn't have been alive today, had they not helped. So, to everyone who donated in my mother's campaign, this is where your donation went. Helping people who truly appreciate the assistance, and saving lives because of it.

Here are some pictures!
 It was a chilly start, but with this much body heat around you, you were warm! We welcomed the sunrise and literally ran right in it's direction. 

 Mile 4...uphill....The first half was actually the easiest part of the race?

 Mom and I in front of the finish line. Wearing some new "Bling Bling" that was rightfully earned. We ran/walked 12-12.5 min miles. It was a great way to feel accomplished. 

The Durham Dashing Divas. 
Crushing personal goals. 
Raising money to save lives.