Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 79

Well, the break is over! Since I last updated, I have successfully relocated back to NC - well mostly. I have spent the past few days being lazy, getting back into shape, and spending some well-deserved time with family and friends. Tonight I head to Braxton's parent's house to start my next clinical rotation. I am supposed to have 3 days in outpatient therapy and 2 days in lymphedema therapy. I have never done lymphedema therapy before, so I am excited to learn something absolutely new! I am starting 2 days early in order to get off two days, one for my graduation and the other for my race in Williamsburg.

Also, I think I have a problem. I signed up for another 5 miler race in October. The plus side about signing up now: $5 off. Also, following the race is a food truck rodeo. How's that for motivation to run faster and farther? Yummy foods waiting for you at the finish line. :)

More updates to come once I start my rotation! 17 days until graduation!!! :)

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