Sunday, May 5, 2013

Day 83

Getting ready for the start of my first full week in clinic. I had a mini intro week last week. My load is interesting this time. I am seeing post-mastectomy breast cancer patients, lymphedema patients, and wound-care patients 2 days per week, and neurology and orthopedic patients 3 days per week. I have two really nice instructors who I am very excited to learn more about. One of the aspects of this clinic I really admire is its one-on-one patient policy. Yes, I realize they see a lot of patients with PTAs, however I really appreciate the fact that they do not double book and try not to dove-tail without caution. I will also get some experience in inpatient, pediatrics, and aquatic therapy. I am really excited or this exposure and I think this is going to be a great clinical experience.

Here are a few pictures from my weekend.

 Friday night, after work, Braxton took me out for some Allen & Son BBQ on the way back from Albemarle. It was a hole-in-the-wall place on the way back and we had always thought about stopping there. Needless to say, it was AMAZING and didn't give me a gluten attack, so I am ready to go back whenever!

On Saturday, we attended the Findlay's Annual Kentucky Derby Party, where I indulged in BBQ once again (good job, Dad!) and had a nice time catching up with some old neighbors. Thanks go out to Mrs. Kinsey for letting me borrow her wonderful hat! Mom won the hat one could match up to the strobe lights... and Braxton drew the 2nd place horse and won $10! What a luck crew!

Now it's off to bed because I have a full week ahead of me! More updates throughout the week! I will try and be more regular with this since I will be doing school work!

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