Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 84

Two days in a row? Who would have known! Well, today was a good start to a good week.

Highlights of today:
1. I had a successful first evaluation.
2. I was able to charm the majority of my patients.
3. I saw my first lymphedema patient today that I will continue follow-up treatments as the weeks progress.
4. I PR'd my 5k time today in 29' 53". I have been wanting to get under 30 minutes consistently for awhile. When I have company on my next run, I plan on running 4 miles usually, it is a bit dangerous to run down some of these streets alone seeing as there are dogs in lawns with questionable electric fences.

Highlights for tomorrow:
1. Lymphedema/wound care conference
2. Pool therapy time!

So, to start off, this week has been successful and I am ready for the challenges of the week to come! Here's to a goo start to a good week!

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