Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 74

WOW! I am so sorry I haven't updated this in awhile but I must say I have a pretty awesome excuse. TODAY I FINISHED MY LAST FINAL OF PT SCHOOL! It has been a wild ride, and this week has been no picnic. I was even thrown a double ear infection and a sinus infection to boot! I kicked double booty, and am proud to be done with my pure academic career. Now it's off to the clinic for 4 months to test my skills! It's like getting your learner's permit. obviously you took the written test, now it's time for the real thing!

Other exciting news, I was inducted as a member of Alpha Sigma Nu, a Jesuit Honors Society, this past week. I was very fortunate to get this recommendation and I feel very honored that my professors think so highly of me. Only 18 students in the whole college were accepted, and I was the only graduate student. It was so nice to go out to dinner with my grandfather beforehand a catch up as well. I do wish my grandmother could have been there, however what's most important is that she gets feeling better. Get Well Soon, Mammaw!

So, technically it's already tomorrow, but I have vowed to pull one more long day and head home tomorrow, with 99% of my stuff packed and ready to go. It's going to be one heck of a day, but I cannot wait to smell that carolina breeze and know I am home.

Thanks to all my family and friends for the ongoing support these past 2.5 years! We did it! I wish I could bottle up this happiness feeling and keep it forever, because at this moment you cannot wipe the smile off of my face. :)

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