Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 200

Research: Defended!

My last day of PT school is tomorrow .. pinning and all .. and here are some reflections:

1. Never stop learning. I vow to never get bored and to always keep my mind working. There is so much to know, and it always seems like I cannot get my hands on enough. I never want to settle for something that doesn't challenge me or something that doesn't fit for me. I have been told by people that I can't afford to be "picky", but I SHOULD be "picky".  I am in charge of MY future for a change, and I vow never to let my learning batteries wear out.

2. You can do anything for two years .... living situations, relationships, friends, athletics. You can do ANYTHING. I made my own happiness there. I found my own friends. Here's to closing this chapter, and here's to using those skills to start another.

3. Don't be afraid to tell it like it is - don't be afraid to be a leader. You are in charge of your fate. If something's not going right because of somebody else - forget them! Don't let THEM change who your friends are, how you study, or your grade on a group project. Advocate for yourself, just as you would advocate for your patient.

4. Give back. We have been given the gift of this education and our hands can make miracles happen. We need to use these gifts to benefit those who have little. We weren't given our gifts to hide, we were given our gifts to share - and share we shall!


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