Sunday, August 18, 2013

Day 190

Okay - So the past few weeks weren't worth documenting or remembering. BUT this past week and weekend has been fun. My Uncle Matt, Aunt Jodi, and cousin, Jordan, came to visit from OR at the beach. Jodi's family was also there, so we had a full house! It was fun getting to see everyone again, even if I spent most of the week working. Sadly, I do not have any pictures of their beach trip, however I do have pictures from the surprise date night Braxton took me on last night. After a fun day with Mom shopping at the mall, Braxton surprised me with an evening of BBQ, NC Wine, and a Free band at my favorite local winery - Gregory Vineyards. Here are some pictures from this weekend...and here's to my LAST week of clinicals. Now, we just have to get our research defended and I will be DONE with school.

I once heard - "Where God closes a door, He opens a window." Time to see which window opens up...

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