Friday, August 23, 2013

Day 195

Time to has come to the end for another chapter of my life - my CE IV. I was lucky enough to work at a Skilled Nursing Facility under the direction of a skilled, caring, and intelligent instructor who taught me about life and how to overcome barriers with difficult patients. Though I was frustrated at times, I fell in love with the work I was doing and the patients I had the pleasure of rehabilitating. Once man, I will never forget, moved from the fog of dementia to all clarity - with a kiss on the cheek he has changed the way I see dementia patients and how I treat geriatric patients overall. I am sad to know that I will literally never see these people again, however I can only hope that for a glimmer of their lives they knew that they had someone believing in them and giving them their dignitiy.

Now it is off to my last week of school! Here's to the end of many things...and here's to the beginning of so much more...

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