Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day 201

Please, it's Doctor Ashley, DPT.
The presentation today went well and I had a wonderful time with family at my pinning ceremony.
I am so proud of all of my classmates and I can now say that we doctors. Congrats to my friends, and thanks to my parents and Braxton for supporting me along the way. I could not have done it without you.
Here are some pictures from today's events  (more to come from mom):

 Jen, Lauren, and I after the ceremony!

 MAZ...the woman who keeps it all together. 

 Dr. Kreger and Dr. Holt ... amazing professors that help keep my sanity these past two years. 

Dr. McKenna and her girls. 

 Stacey, Chris, and I

 Mom and I....and my red eyes....

 DPT Banner

 Anointing of the hands.

 The pinning!

 Trying not to fall down the stairs...

 Los Padres

 Los Abuelos

Here's to you, WJU! This door is officially closed, now just waiting for windows to open

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 200

Research: Defended!

My last day of PT school is tomorrow .. pinning and all .. and here are some reflections:

1. Never stop learning. I vow to never get bored and to always keep my mind working. There is so much to know, and it always seems like I cannot get my hands on enough. I never want to settle for something that doesn't challenge me or something that doesn't fit for me. I have been told by people that I can't afford to be "picky", but I SHOULD be "picky".  I am in charge of MY future for a change, and I vow never to let my learning batteries wear out.

2. You can do anything for two years .... living situations, relationships, friends, athletics. You can do ANYTHING. I made my own happiness there. I found my own friends. Here's to closing this chapter, and here's to using those skills to start another.

3. Don't be afraid to tell it like it is - don't be afraid to be a leader. You are in charge of your fate. If something's not going right because of somebody else - forget them! Don't let THEM change who your friends are, how you study, or your grade on a group project. Advocate for yourself, just as you would advocate for your patient.

4. Give back. We have been given the gift of this education and our hands can make miracles happen. We need to use these gifts to benefit those who have little. We weren't given our gifts to hide, we were given our gifts to share - and share we shall!


Friday, August 23, 2013

Day 195

Time to has come to the end for another chapter of my life - my CE IV. I was lucky enough to work at a Skilled Nursing Facility under the direction of a skilled, caring, and intelligent instructor who taught me about life and how to overcome barriers with difficult patients. Though I was frustrated at times, I fell in love with the work I was doing and the patients I had the pleasure of rehabilitating. Once man, I will never forget, moved from the fog of dementia to all clarity - with a kiss on the cheek he has changed the way I see dementia patients and how I treat geriatric patients overall. I am sad to know that I will literally never see these people again, however I can only hope that for a glimmer of their lives they knew that they had someone believing in them and giving them their dignitiy.

Now it is off to my last week of school! Here's to the end of many things...and here's to the beginning of so much more...

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Day 190

Okay - So the past few weeks weren't worth documenting or remembering. BUT this past week and weekend has been fun. My Uncle Matt, Aunt Jodi, and cousin, Jordan, came to visit from OR at the beach. Jodi's family was also there, so we had a full house! It was fun getting to see everyone again, even if I spent most of the week working. Sadly, I do not have any pictures of their beach trip, however I do have pictures from the surprise date night Braxton took me on last night. After a fun day with Mom shopping at the mall, Braxton surprised me with an evening of BBQ, NC Wine, and a Free band at my favorite local winery - Gregory Vineyards. Here are some pictures from this weekend...and here's to my LAST week of clinicals. Now, we just have to get our research defended and I will be DONE with school.

I once heard - "Where God closes a door, He opens a window." Time to see which window opens up...

Friday, August 2, 2013

Day 174

Big News!

Braxton got into Campbell's PA School this week! I am so proud of him for sticking strong. Now it's crazy time to get him ready to start classes in 10 days. Yikes!

Still, thank God for figuring everything out for us. We are certainly blessed. 0:)