Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 3

Today was my last day at the hospital. Before I started working in acute care, I was terrified that I was going to accidentally unplug a wire and kill someone or get pooped on. Luckily, neither of those situations happened. I actually had a wonderful time working at the hospital. I was my instructor's first student and I feel like he went above and beyond for me. It was nice to work with a patient  person who really genuinely wants you to have a good experience. I have learned that the majority of patients in their right mind actually want to get better. I also learned that even though it is difficult to build the usual relationship that therapists build over a month long span, you can still connect and gain the trust of your patient. I was lucky this rotation to have co-workers that work well together and can have a good time amidst work. I hope that in the future I can work with a team of individuals that feed off of each other like they do here. I also hate to leave them because I feel as though they are going to be short staffed. Although I am no saint or magic extra coworker, I know that they don't have the help they deserve in the PT department. They are a great group of guys with patients that deserve the best of care, I just wish their director would realize that an extra hand can make a big difference in the lives of her employees and patients.

Anyways, here is a picture of the hospital today as I left. It was sleeting/raining. I guess the hospital was sad I was leaving, too. Here's to tomorrow!
(also, I am getting pretty good at updating this thing more regularly)

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