Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 13

So! No picture today because I have to update this from my phone again. I will try to make it up to you tomorrow, I promise. So, today was a busy day! I found out I will be going to Peru this summer. Apparently machu pichu is completely out of the question due to time constraints, but I cannot wait to see what this fabulous country has to offer. I will need to brush up on my Spanish though. I also found out that my next clinical site canceled on me. This puts me in a bind because they really don't have anywhere for me to go. I am going to try to meet with my professor tomorrow to see if we can work something out. I am ready to go back home though, so as long as its by home, I will not be too disappointed. Maybe this will be my opportunity to work with pediatrics, wound care, or more sports medicine? I guess we will see what tomorrow has in store.

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