Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 16

Today started out with my favorite form of precipitation...snow. *sarcasm implied*
After a nice 4 mile run (around the indoor track) I pretty much spent the whole day at school. Meeting with groups for projects, going to professor's office hours, and attending class. FINALLY at 7:30 pm I was released from captivity and went to my last dance class. Oh how much I have loved my modern dance class! It makes me feel the energy of the earth and all of that hippie goodness. I wish I had the time for it next semester, but with 2 weeks of break and starting/wrapping up the research project, it's going to be a busy next 6 weeks. Here is my picture, from dance. When we got there, someone had written on the mirrors "Today's Lesson: It's not the end point, it's the journey that takes you there that counts." I thought it was appropriate. On the bright side, 6 more weeks until I am done with school! Now, it's off to pack for an hour or so!

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