Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 16

Today started out with my favorite form of precipitation...snow. *sarcasm implied*
After a nice 4 mile run (around the indoor track) I pretty much spent the whole day at school. Meeting with groups for projects, going to professor's office hours, and attending class. FINALLY at 7:30 pm I was released from captivity and went to my last dance class. Oh how much I have loved my modern dance class! It makes me feel the energy of the earth and all of that hippie goodness. I wish I had the time for it next semester, but with 2 weeks of break and starting/wrapping up the research project, it's going to be a busy next 6 weeks. Here is my picture, from dance. When we got there, someone had written on the mirrors "Today's Lesson: It's not the end point, it's the journey that takes you there that counts." I thought it was appropriate. On the bright side, 6 more weeks until I am done with school! Now, it's off to pack for an hour or so!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 15

So, it is Wednesday! My day looked sorta like this....wake with homework...go to the homework.. binge watch netflix.

I should have been packing, but there's something about separating things into piles that I am just not in the mood to do tonight. My problem is I always bring way to many shoes, but what if I need boots, heels, flats, running shoes, regular tennis shoes, rain boots, and ugg boots? The weather is so complicated.

Yay for spring break in 2 days!

By the way, this is how I am going to feel getting up tomorrow and for 8am class on Friday:

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 14

It's Friday...I mean Tuesday. After a LONG, long two days of school, the girls and I celebrated with Margarita's and Applebee's. We used it to celebrate our birthdays from December, January, and February. We also had Stacey join us which was such a treat! I believe she will be part of our "family" in the future.

Anyways, today we learned how to mobilize the sacrum, hip bones, and pubic bones. It was a good lab and I learned a lot. No news update on the Clinical site yet. Also, I have a meeting with my professor about Peru tomorrow. We will iron out some of the details about travel and gluten free food.

Here are some pictures from applebee's. I must say, Dad's margaritas are the best yet. No one can top his.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 13

So! No picture today because I have to update this from my phone again. I will try to make it up to you tomorrow, I promise. So, today was a busy day! I found out I will be going to Peru this summer. Apparently machu pichu is completely out of the question due to time constraints, but I cannot wait to see what this fabulous country has to offer. I will need to brush up on my Spanish though. I also found out that my next clinical site canceled on me. This puts me in a bind because they really don't have anywhere for me to go. I am going to try to meet with my professor tomorrow to see if we can work something out. I am ready to go back home though, so as long as its by home, I will not be too disappointed. Maybe this will be my opportunity to work with pediatrics, wound care, or more sports medicine? I guess we will see what tomorrow has in store.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 12

And the winner is....
I know this is technically Day 13, however I haven't gone to bed yet, so that doesn't count. After doing homework all day and working out, I was given the lovely pleasure of going to my friend Lauren's house to watch the Oscar's and Mob Wives with her and my friend Jen. It was a great way to watch today's stars and crazy mob ladies.

Here is my picture from yesterday...4.5 miles in 43 minutes! It was long but a big accomplishment. The next step is to add .5 miles and reach my 5 mile goal!:

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 11

So... Bad news. The Internet is out and according to the new laws by the landlord we have to wait 24 hours after an Internet outage before contacting the guys to fix it. This is not helping with my school work, TV time, or my blogging. Anyways, here is my picture for today. I am off to find a good book and go to bed early I guess. Thank God for smart phones. Though my thumbs are too big and it had taken me forever to write this.

Ps- will add the picture when I get to school tomorrow. I can't get it to upload from my phone. Which is silly. I dislike technology sometimes.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 10

Keep calm-- Hoy es viernes.
(it's friday)

So, today I learned how to pop everyone's vertebrae and ribs back into place. I was able to to get successful cavitation with a few of my new "moves". This evening, I was able to do homework, watch TV, drink wine, and catch up with Lauren, a friend whom I never see anymore due to opposite schedules.
Welcome, weekend! I miss you!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 9

So, again another day of classes and studying. Not much to picture...literally. I did get to take my modern dance class, and I was going to film a combination, but we never got to our combination, and my instructor was sick, so that didn't happen.  Instead I will leave you with a funny ecard.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 8

I did school work all a lecture on the Medicare cap!
Also, thank-you cards are on there way! Keep an eye out!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 7

So it has been almost a week since I started doing a picture-a-day and I feel like as long as I remember to take a picture, it goes well!
Today we had class all day, and then the girls decided we should celebrate our last semester with margaritas and mexican food. Little to say, I am stuffed like a tamale but we had a good time just catching up and getting out for a little bit. Tomorrow, we don't have official class, but I have a to-do list that is about a mile long, so I hope I can get to everything before Thursday.
Salud! Cheers to the last semester!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 6

Here's the video! No Photos today!

Last first day of school!
Happy Birthday Pops!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 5

Today, it was 24 degrees high, feels like 7, so CJ and I decided to drive around Wheeling and check out what there was to do. Well, everything is closed on a Sunday, so we decided to walk around the mall. We found an indoor mini golf and then went for Mexican food!
What a fun day!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 4

Pittsburgh with CJ!!!!
I am so lucky to have one of my bestest friends here with me!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 3

Today was my last day at the hospital. Before I started working in acute care, I was terrified that I was going to accidentally unplug a wire and kill someone or get pooped on. Luckily, neither of those situations happened. I actually had a wonderful time working at the hospital. I was my instructor's first student and I feel like he went above and beyond for me. It was nice to work with a patient  person who really genuinely wants you to have a good experience. I have learned that the majority of patients in their right mind actually want to get better. I also learned that even though it is difficult to build the usual relationship that therapists build over a month long span, you can still connect and gain the trust of your patient. I was lucky this rotation to have co-workers that work well together and can have a good time amidst work. I hope that in the future I can work with a team of individuals that feed off of each other like they do here. I also hate to leave them because I feel as though they are going to be short staffed. Although I am no saint or magic extra coworker, I know that they don't have the help they deserve in the PT department. They are a great group of guys with patients that deserve the best of care, I just wish their director would realize that an extra hand can make a big difference in the lives of her employees and patients.

Anyways, here is a picture of the hospital today as I left. It was sleeting/raining. I guess the hospital was sad I was leaving, too. Here's to tomorrow!
(also, I am getting pretty good at updating this thing more regularly)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 2

Happy Valentine's Day!
As I listen to "Isn't She Lovely..." I am in quite the Valentine's mood.  Today most of my patients behaved, and I was able to really connect with a few patients which was nice. There's something about being a physical therapist that makes people open up to you and this requires you to behave as a listener and a support when family and friends might not be there.

Anyways, in the spirit of the season...I have eaten another birthday cupcake (thanks Kaitlyn!) with funfetti icing and was able to snag a free helium heart balloon from the hospital to decorate my apartment. When I got home from the gym (3.5 miles in 32 minutes!) the flower man pulled up behind me and gave me a beautiful bouquet of roses. :) What a special treat and a good way to end my busy day. What can I say, my boy did good.

Love to everyone! Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 1

Here's to year 24! This will MAKE me keep in touch with everyone better. Also, it will be kind of cool to see how much has changed in one year.
p.s.- sorry for the crazy hair and no make up- it's 9:30 pm - bedtime.