Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentine's Day

A day of love, and running, this Valentines Day was perfect in the fact that I just got to relax and spend some time with the one I love. Braxton has been studying for end of rotation exams and I have been picking up some weekend shifts earlier this month, so it was nice to literally have nothing to do. My training goal for this weekend was 9 miles. Braxton only want to do 5 miles, so we departed at mile 4 and he went one way, I went the next. Little did I know that .25 miles away from my goal, Braxton was waiting for me with flowers and cheering me on. What a great start to the day! After some stretching and foam rolling, we watched the tar heels get clobbered. Braxton made a lovely chicken pot pie casserole and we tried a new wine, Seersucker Sunday. Again, what a perfect day to relax and get ready for the week ahead. 

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