Sunday, February 8, 2015

Beautiful February Weekend

This weekend we got lucky with 60-70 degree weather. I had a few things on the schedule: work, half-marathon training, and a birthday dinner for a friend. What I didn't expect was spending most of Sunday outdoors hitting some golf balls at the range and practicing my putting. What a welcomed surprise. I didn't do half-bad, but I could definitely use some improvement. I can certainly say that I enjoyed the warm weather while it lasted. Cheers to the warmth, as it is about to get chilly.

 Friday night birthday celebration for one of our PA school friends at Clouds Brewery in Raleigh. They had $5 "martini" special on Friday. This one was basically a margarita with cranberry juice. :)

 Sunday at Crooked Creek to hit some balls. I got some in the air this time!

Last but not least, I hit my milestone of 8 miles this week. Only 3 more long runs, 1 short run, and the big day. Hopefully I won't turn into a Popsicle next week. 
<3 A

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