Sunday, February 22, 2015

Happy 155!

This weekend, I was proud to uphold a tradition that has been going on for 26 years. Luckily, I was born in the month of February, and so were my Aunt Mary and my Pops. This year we totaled an impressive 155 years between the three of us. We had such a good time traveling to Richmond for family, fun, and pizza. Here are some pictures, not all (will download the others later), from this great celebration. 

 Lunch Time! Yummy pizza (gluten free, too!). 

 155 years!

 None of us want to spit on the cupcakes...

 Relief after none of us spat on the cupcakes...

 Apparently, this is the scotch to end all scotches...

I take this subtle smile as a "yes".

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentine's Day

A day of love, and running, this Valentines Day was perfect in the fact that I just got to relax and spend some time with the one I love. Braxton has been studying for end of rotation exams and I have been picking up some weekend shifts earlier this month, so it was nice to literally have nothing to do. My training goal for this weekend was 9 miles. Braxton only want to do 5 miles, so we departed at mile 4 and he went one way, I went the next. Little did I know that .25 miles away from my goal, Braxton was waiting for me with flowers and cheering me on. What a great start to the day! After some stretching and foam rolling, we watched the tar heels get clobbered. Braxton made a lovely chicken pot pie casserole and we tried a new wine, Seersucker Sunday. Again, what a perfect day to relax and get ready for the week ahead. 

26th Birthday!

This past Friday I turned the big 2-6. This marks the beginning of year 3 of this blog, and I can say I quite enjoy it. The blog has given me a platform for sharing my life with my family and document fond memories and pictures from the past years. This birthday, Braxton surprised me with balloons and a homemade cake...with pink icing! It was the perfect end to a long work week. I did have a patient bring my a sweet card and a gluten-free cupcake - it was so nice of her! I also got to have dinner with my WHOLE family which was such a treat. Now that I am fat off of cakes and cupcakes, I can say that I am excited for year 26 and all of the fun it will bring. 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Beautiful February Weekend

This weekend we got lucky with 60-70 degree weather. I had a few things on the schedule: work, half-marathon training, and a birthday dinner for a friend. What I didn't expect was spending most of Sunday outdoors hitting some golf balls at the range and practicing my putting. What a welcomed surprise. I didn't do half-bad, but I could definitely use some improvement. I can certainly say that I enjoyed the warm weather while it lasted. Cheers to the warmth, as it is about to get chilly.

 Friday night birthday celebration for one of our PA school friends at Clouds Brewery in Raleigh. They had $5 "martini" special on Friday. This one was basically a margarita with cranberry juice. :)

 Sunday at Crooked Creek to hit some balls. I got some in the air this time!

Last but not least, I hit my milestone of 8 miles this week. Only 3 more long runs, 1 short run, and the big day. Hopefully I won't turn into a Popsicle next week. 
<3 A

Jaycee Awards

This past week I was very surprised at the fact that Jenna, my co-chair, and I won several awards at the NC Jaycee year-end banquet. We had submitted our November project, Turkey Baskets, for review and it received two awards. I apparently was also recognized as a shining star for second semester. I am so lucky to be involved in such a community-involved organization. I look forward to my year ahead organizing the social projects and possibly another community service project.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Superbowl Sunday

This Superbowl Sunday was unlike the others,  quiet evening studying and watching the commercials. I am neither a Seahawks nor a Patriots fan, so the game wasn't too interesting to me. Although, the end surely was something to see. To celebrate the nation's love for American football, we tried our hands at buffalo wings. The crockpot did an awesome job, and this will have to be a repeat recipe in the future. 

Also, this weekend was my first of the "long"runs while training for my half marathon. This would be the half-way mark on the big day, and I am pleased with the pace so far. Hopefully, my training will keep paying off and my future long runs will go just as smoothly.