Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day 344

So, sadly there are not any pictures from this week - it just wasn't that eventful. My work is in the process of opening up phase 2 of their building which means new staff (rehab and nursing) plus a load of new admissions. Change is always a challenge, no matter how it comes. It's going to take some adjusting getting used to the new demands of my job, but hopefully it won't take TOO long. I went to a continuing education session on prosthetics on Tuesday and attended a meeting on wheelchair accessories on Wednesday. Attending these classes has gotten me thinking about this upcoming year and some important PT events:
1. APTA National Conference in Charlotte. Hopefully I can get a day or two off for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
2. I need to pick a continuing education course for this year. Will it be geriatrics? Women's Health? Manual Therapy? I guess we will see what's around the corner...

Until then, I will keep organizing the to follow (still)

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