Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 326

Happy New Year!

Wow 2013 has been an amazing year. Here's a quick recap:

1. Completed 3 clinical rotations in NC, SC, and Ohio
2. Moved from WV - Good-bye Wheeling!
3. Graduated, defended my research, and was given my Doctor of Physical Therapy degree.
4. Passed my national board exam
5. Got a great job.
6. Moved closer to friends and family.
7. Gone to numerous UNC football games and a Panthers Game
8. Completed two 5 mile races and two Triathlons with a few 5k races in between.
9. Grew stronger, wiser, and more passionate.

Overall, this has been an amazing year. Braxton and I were lucky enough to spend it together with some friends from undergrad. Cheers to 2014! I never thought I would end up where I am right now, so who knows what this next year will drop on my doorstep.

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