Thursday, February 13, 2014

Day 365

It has officially been one year, and though this has not been as consistent of a blog as I originally expected, it still was a great way to memorialize my past year. Today and yesterday it snow/iced SO bad that we still had to go into work. However, I asked off of work for my birthday a month ago for some self-pampering. This was great foresight as I didn't have to go out into the icy wilderness today. Though my planned haircut, massage, and mani-pedi had to wait for another few weeks, it was nice not to have to worry about getting to work in time. This also allowed me to bake up a storm (chocolate cake and pumpkin cookies) as well as catch up on some TV time. Thank-you to everyone who called or emailed to wish me a happy birthday. I felt loved all day long, and it was so nice to know everyone was thinking of me. I am officially one-quarter down, which means the fun is JUST beginning.

Here are some highlights from this past year:
Graduation from PT School

Ramblin' Rose Triathlon

 Busch Gardens and Run for the Dream 8k

Chimbote, Peru

PT School Pinning

Moving back home! Reuniting with friends!

And here's to snomagedon 2014... Happy Birthday!

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