Sunday, June 9, 2013

Day 120

Another weekend that flew-by fast! Only one more free weekend before my hiatus to Peru (yay!) but I assure you I will have many pictures to follow. Here is an abbreviated list of my weekend festivities:
1. Activities! Tennis, Bike Riding, Jogging, Walking...phew, I am exhausted!
2. Lunch with one of my best friends, Elissa! It is always like picking up where we just left off... I miss my girlfriends!
3. Seeing my baby brother! I am so proud of everything he is doing and his new-found dedication to his academia. Hat's off to you, bro.
4. Mother-daughter day at Gregory Winery - This was my mother's day gift which was so much fun! We got to go to a wine tasting, lunch, a free glass of wine, winery tour, and mini-makeovers from Mary Kay. It was so much fun to get out and catch up, because I don't get as much time alone with my mom as I would like. Anyways, we learned a lot about wine-making and found a cute get-away not too far from Durham.

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