Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 74

WOW! I am so sorry I haven't updated this in awhile but I must say I have a pretty awesome excuse. TODAY I FINISHED MY LAST FINAL OF PT SCHOOL! It has been a wild ride, and this week has been no picnic. I was even thrown a double ear infection and a sinus infection to boot! I kicked double booty, and am proud to be done with my pure academic career. Now it's off to the clinic for 4 months to test my skills! It's like getting your learner's permit. obviously you took the written test, now it's time for the real thing!

Other exciting news, I was inducted as a member of Alpha Sigma Nu, a Jesuit Honors Society, this past week. I was very fortunate to get this recommendation and I feel very honored that my professors think so highly of me. Only 18 students in the whole college were accepted, and I was the only graduate student. It was so nice to go out to dinner with my grandfather beforehand a catch up as well. I do wish my grandmother could have been there, however what's most important is that she gets feeling better. Get Well Soon, Mammaw!

So, technically it's already tomorrow, but I have vowed to pull one more long day and head home tomorrow, with 99% of my stuff packed and ready to go. It's going to be one heck of a day, but I cannot wait to smell that carolina breeze and know I am home.

Thanks to all my family and friends for the ongoing support these past 2.5 years! We did it! I wish I could bottle up this happiness feeling and keep it forever, because at this moment you cannot wipe the smile off of my face. :)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 66

Today was my Last Day of Classes... EVER!!!!!! When I reflect across the past 19 years of school, I realize that I have really worked my tail off, and I seriously cannot wait to be done. I have put way too much effort into this "school" thing and I am very happy for all of the smarts I have gotten as a result. I just have one more week of dreaded finals to push through and I will be home free for clinical rotations! I am so excited and blessed to have this opportunity and I am so thankful for all of my friends and family who have supported me along the way!

Here's to 6 more finals and Sangria waiting for me at the finish line

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 61

Wow! This has been one whirlwind of a week! I had three quizzes which I am unsure about the final outcomes. Keeping fingers crossed for a cushion before finals! We had another day of research and had a great turn-out. It was nice to have so many participants and I am hoping we get just as many next week. I am trying to stay positive about this! Next week will be my last week of school EVER. I feel like I have worked so hard up until this point so I just have to keep pushing through. Only 2 more weeks left until the end of school and moving back to NC. I cannot wait to be back within driving distance of my family and friends. I am also excited to learn more about outpatient and lymphedema PT.

Anyways, here are some positive pictures from this week:
 This was from PubCrawl that Lauren and I decided to crash. It was nice to hang out for a bit and just relax before finals. Also, they got Angry Orchard on tap at River City! Holla! It only took them 2 years to get on the gluten-free bandwagon.

This is my next accomplishment for the week. 5 miles 20 seconds less than last time! Here's to 5.5 miles next week if I can steal away the time while studying for finals.

And finally, my Peaches poodle went to bark at the squirrels in doggy heaven this week.
 Love you peachey-poo.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 56

Last round of Quizzes is done! I knew some of the answers, and I didn't know some of the answers. We celebrated with Trivia at Generations, which was fun, but it made me really miss trivia at Goodfella's and Top O. It was also really strange being on such a big team. It was hard for us to make decisions. BUT. I think we will return next week after the basic science practical final.
Let the good times roll! 17 more days until I am free and 19 more days until I am back at home!
Here we go!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 53

I achieved a personal goal today!
I got to 5 miles in 48 minutes! this is my longest distance so far and it has inspired me to keep going. Now that I know I can do an 8K, maybe I can do a 10K? Let's just stick with the triathlon training first.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Day 52

Wow! How 5 days fly by!!! I know I had a whirlwind Easter Break and now I have had a whirlwind first week back! I have had some exciting things going on lately, so let me give you a recap:

1. This Thursday we FINALLY got cleared and started collecting data for our research project that is due to be defended in 3 weeks. We have had some great volunteers from the program and from the hospital and we are so excited to have this on our way! We have one more big day of data collection next week and then it's a whole day to flip the data into a publishable paper and poster to defend a present. Needless to say, I should by stock in Starbucks now, because I feel as though I am going to need it over the next 3 weeks and the DPT program is going to use and abuse it until finals are over.

2. I got a 100% on my Professional Issues quiz! This is a nice surprise seeing as it is all on business and charting accounts. I worked really hard to understand the information, so I am happy that I was able to put that onto paper.

3. Braxton and I officially signed up for our first Sprint Triathlon at the end of July. We figured, we will be done training for the 8k at the beginning of June, so we needed something else to do! So, I have added swimming and biking into my work out regimen and cut down on the running a bit. overall the event is a 250 m swim, 9 mile bike, and 3 mile run. My goal is to finish under 90 minutes, but we will see. I just want to finish. period.

If I don't consistently update over the next few weeks, it is because nothing out of the ordinary is going on.

Next week: 3 tests, essay/assignment due, wound care skills test, collecting research,  putting together our business project for Monday presentation, putting together research to defend

The week after next: Business Presentation, Basic OSCE (practical final), Business Portfolio review

The week after the week after next: FINALS!!! Defend Thesis!!! Pack  up and get my tired buns back home!!!

So! Hopefully all of that will go smoothly! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. 3 more weeks!