Monday, May 9, 2016

Luna and Mother's Day

This past week, we had the pleasure of meeting Luna (formally known as Fleur) a dog at Saving Grace animal rescue in Wake Forest, NC. Luna just came and sat down between us, almost as she knew we were her people. We have been thinking about getting a dog for a few years now, and though we didn't think we were going to find the dog of our dreams, I guess God had another plan for us. 

Family meet Luna. She is a true mutt doggy - possible Carolina Dog/Beagle/Hound/something brown. 
Her favorite things include belly rubs, peanut butter Kongs, and people. 
We are learning to not be so scared of loud noises. 
Crate training is also going well. 

This weekend also happened to be Mother's Day. To my loving mother who always supports me, listens to my telephone complaining, and loves my scared puppy dog, I love you and am so happy to be back home. 

 Ahhh..Ducky and belly rubs. The best day. 

 This is when we knew she would be ours. Just came right back to us and sat down. 
Okay, I guess we will be your people. 

Brunch at Parker and Otis. 
Happy Mother's Day!

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