Sunday, May 22, 2016

Hannah and Matt - 5.21.16

Growing up, you have those friends that become like family.  I would say Hannah is one of those friends. Having gone to a small private elementary school and living down the street from one another, we were pretty good friends growing up. We were always at each others house playing with Beanie Babies or watching Wishbone. When I transferred to Riverside my sophmore year of high school, Hannah was kind enough to eat lunch with me when no one else would. I would have to say I am very grateful for her friendship. Over the years, we have grown apart, though on parallel pathways. Both of us love to travel, went away to pursue grad school (I am a DPT, she is a DVM), and have found wonderful men to share in our adventures. Needless to say, I was very honored to be invited to her wedding. I had a lovely time catching up with old neighbors and even got to see the bride for a bit on the dance floor (if you have ever been to a wedding, it is immensely difficult to see the bride or groom for any small bit of time). 

All in all, Congrats to Hannah and Matt! I wish you life long happiness and joy. You know you always have a friend in NC if you need anything. 

 Although the day was rainy, the ceremony got moved inside the lovely Rigmor House in Chapel Hill, NC. It reminded me of a little slice of heaven. 

 My handsome date. 

 Mom and Dad! 

 Ray and Fiona
 Mike and Mona

 Fieldstone Foxes through and through!

                The first dance!
 The Beautiful Bride!

And not to be too off topic...but Mom and Dad finished their fence this past weekend! Here are some pics of the fur kiddos enjoying the outdoors!

Ramblin Rose 2016

Last weekend, we had a cold day in May and it was a wonderful day for a race. This was my fourth triathlon and it was my best time yet! It was also one of the most fun triathlons I have ever done since my Raleigh Jaycee friend, Jenna, joined me for her first ever Tri. Here are some pics from the day!

Done with the swim! Onto the bike....
 Jenna and I transitioning onto the bike....

 Here I go! All smiles starting the bike...

 Here comes Jenna at a close follow!

 Ending the bike..breathing heavy up that last hill. 

 Yay! Starting the run..the last leg of the race!

 Here comes Jenna!

 Lap one down!
 Still smiling!

 Coming through the finish shute!

 Yay! I did it! 57 minutes and 3 seconds total!

 Here comes Jenna! She finished in 1 hr 7 minutes!

 Post -race pics! It was super cold. Sweats were a necessary to break the wind. 

 Surprise! No this is not a drill. I ended up first place in my age category. My quick transitions and top bike in my age group put me to the top! I came in 26 out of 534!

Cheers to hard work and a fun day!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Luna and Mother's Day

This past week, we had the pleasure of meeting Luna (formally known as Fleur) a dog at Saving Grace animal rescue in Wake Forest, NC. Luna just came and sat down between us, almost as she knew we were her people. We have been thinking about getting a dog for a few years now, and though we didn't think we were going to find the dog of our dreams, I guess God had another plan for us. 

Family meet Luna. She is a true mutt doggy - possible Carolina Dog/Beagle/Hound/something brown. 
Her favorite things include belly rubs, peanut butter Kongs, and people. 
We are learning to not be so scared of loud noises. 
Crate training is also going well. 

This weekend also happened to be Mother's Day. To my loving mother who always supports me, listens to my telephone complaining, and loves my scared puppy dog, I love you and am so happy to be back home. 

 Ahhh..Ducky and belly rubs. The best day. 

 This is when we knew she would be ours. Just came right back to us and sat down. 
Okay, I guess we will be your people. 

Brunch at Parker and Otis. 
Happy Mother's Day!

Toast to Trails 2016

Wow! It's been awhile since a blog update, but here's a good catch up on my life. Between the triathlon training, work, and the rain, my life hasn't been to interesting until this weekend. 

This past weekend, Mom, Braxton, Ellen, and I enjoyed a lovely 26 mile bike ride for the East Coast Greenway Alliance. We had a lovely bike ride split up by a wine tasting and yummy lunch at Cloer Vineyards. It was the perfect way to spend our time enjoying the outdoors. 

 We made it to the halfway point!

 Selfie Stick used at lunch!
Almost at the finish line!