Sunday, March 15, 2015

Tobacco Road Half Marathon

At the beginning of 2015, I made some New Year's Resolutions that will slowly be revealed on the blog. My first one to tackle was to run a Half Marathon. I didn't want to just run-walk; I wanted to run the whole thing. I started the couch-to-half marathon program in December and was very faithful to my training plan. This morning started off cold and damp, and then warmed up almost 20 degrees by the end of the race. The air was like soup, the first humid day of the spring. I stuck to my guns, drank lots of Gatorade/water, and just kept chugging along. Soon enough, the end of the race arrived and I did it! I finished my race at 2 hours and 15 minutes. I came in 77th out of 150 people in my category and averaged a 10 minute 21 second mile with all but 3 miles being between a 9 minute 48 seconds and 10 minutes 10 seconds. I am so proud of my body and being able to complete such a milestone that "one lap Ashley" would never have been able to do. 
Here's to New Year's Resolution #1 and Bring on #2!

 Mile 3...Here we go!

 Mile 5... Still going strong!

Mile 8...The Sun is Rising!

 Crossing the Finish Line!

Yippee! I did it!

I am one happy and tired girl. 

Photo op with my race swag. 

Time to add another medal to the bunch.

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