Sunday, March 1, 2015

Free Weekend ~ Finally!!

This weekend was a rare one. Braxton didn't have an upcoming exam and I didn't have to work. This lead to cleaning, catching up on the shows of the week, and getting to relax. We went out for Sushi (Chinese for me) and Goodberry's on Saturday and then went bowling on Sunday. I have been invited to bowl by friends in the past, but I am too embarrassed due to hardly ever scoring above 50. Braxton was able to tweak my form and one time I scored an 85 (yay!!!). I think that this week we will be without snow and I might be able to function on a normal schedule. Also, no more long runs! This weekend was 11 miles and I averaged about a 10' 30'' pace. 2 more weeks of running and then it's a well deserved break. 

My dad is very pleased there is someone on his side on Sushi night.

 Our fortune cookies. B's on the left, mine on the right. I guess my future is unknown!

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