Monday, September 15, 2014


So this past fall I stumbled upon a service organization, the Jaycees. I grew up attending random Jaycee events through friends of friends and moving back to the area, I thought it was time I try something new. Over the past year I have tried volunteering and getting involved in different groups but nothing seemed to stick. This organization has welcomed me and I have been able to get my feet wet since day one. My first service project was to volunteer this past weekend at the Zumbathon. It was the first year completing this project, and I believe it was a success. Here are some pictures that I borrowed from the FB event page from this weekend. Enjoy!
 Group shot at the end of the night. I honestly don't know how anyone could Zumba for 3 hours straight. 

 The black lights made this place and all of the dancers glow!

I had to work this past Sunday, so that pretty much made up my weekend. It was a fun, new way to make Raleigh my new home. :)

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