Sunday, September 7, 2014

Harris Lake Mountain Biking

If you had asked me 2 weeks ago if I would ever mountain bike again, I would have said, "no!" A few weeks ago B and I tried out mountain biking for the first time. Now, we have owned mountain bikes for the past few years and used them for a beginner triathlon and to commute around town. We had never really used them for their true purpose - off road. Let's just say, a few weeks ago, I was never mountain biking again considering I almost ran into a million trees and B actually broke his bike. Well, after some convincing and finding an easier course, I reluctantly decided to conquer my fear and try something new. Little did I know, I would like it. The trail was fun with minimal roots and some tame, but fun, "whoop-de-dos". Every once and awhile we would ride beside the lake and get a breath of fresh lake air. What a great end to an active weekend.

A final selfie with the bike.

Until next time! ~ A&B

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