Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wills comes to Fuquay!

One of my dearest Kappa sisters made it to the East Coast, and coincidentally to Fuquay. Wills and I have been friends since 2007 and due to her commitment to the Navy, she has been west coast bound for the past year. Not only did we get to see her, but Braxton and I got to spend time with her husband, Evan, as well. What a nice surprise in the middle of the week!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Mr & Mrs Krahel - Columbus, OH

What a wonderful weekend it was celebrating the marriage of one of my dear friends, Jennifer, from PT school. I got to see lots of friends, experience downtown Columbus, and watch a good friend marry the man of her dreams. You can't ask for a better weekend than that!

 Catholic Express Wedding in a beautiful cathedral! 

 The reception was inside an old bank with the bar inside the vault. What a neat reception site!

 Photo booth fun!

What a weekend! Now, after a long ride home, it's time for mexican food and the start of a new week!

A&B signing off for now! 

Monday, September 15, 2014


So this past fall I stumbled upon a service organization, the Jaycees. I grew up attending random Jaycee events through friends of friends and moving back to the area, I thought it was time I try something new. Over the past year I have tried volunteering and getting involved in different groups but nothing seemed to stick. This organization has welcomed me and I have been able to get my feet wet since day one. My first service project was to volunteer this past weekend at the Zumbathon. It was the first year completing this project, and I believe it was a success. Here are some pictures that I borrowed from the FB event page from this weekend. Enjoy!
 Group shot at the end of the night. I honestly don't know how anyone could Zumba for 3 hours straight. 

 The black lights made this place and all of the dancers glow!

I had to work this past Sunday, so that pretty much made up my weekend. It was a fun, new way to make Raleigh my new home. :)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Harris Lake Mountain Biking

If you had asked me 2 weeks ago if I would ever mountain bike again, I would have said, "no!" A few weeks ago B and I tried out mountain biking for the first time. Now, we have owned mountain bikes for the past few years and used them for a beginner triathlon and to commute around town. We had never really used them for their true purpose - off road. Let's just say, a few weeks ago, I was never mountain biking again considering I almost ran into a million trees and B actually broke his bike. Well, after some convincing and finding an easier course, I reluctantly decided to conquer my fear and try something new. Little did I know, I would like it. The trail was fun with minimal roots and some tame, but fun, "whoop-de-dos". Every once and awhile we would ride beside the lake and get a breath of fresh lake air. What a great end to an active weekend.

A final selfie with the bike.

Until next time! ~ A&B

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Raven Rock State Park

I have wanted to visit Raven Rock State Park for awhile. It is only 30 minutes away - in the middle of nowhere. Yet, amongst the rolling tobacco farms and baptist churches, arose a beautiful state park. It was a sticky day, but luckily most of the way was shaded, just humid. No breeze blowing all day long. Either way, it was a lovely way to spend a Saturday. Photography by Braxton :)

One side of the trail leads you down to the river. 

 The other side of the trail leads you to a beautiful rock formation carved by the river over time. 

 Holding up the rock...

 These stairs go much higher than expected...

 Cue the Lion King music..

 A panoramic view of the scenic overlook...

A & B ... signing out!