Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day 344

So, sadly there are not any pictures from this week - it just wasn't that eventful. My work is in the process of opening up phase 2 of their building which means new staff (rehab and nursing) plus a load of new admissions. Change is always a challenge, no matter how it comes. It's going to take some adjusting getting used to the new demands of my job, but hopefully it won't take TOO long. I went to a continuing education session on prosthetics on Tuesday and attended a meeting on wheelchair accessories on Wednesday. Attending these classes has gotten me thinking about this upcoming year and some important PT events:
1. APTA National Conference in Charlotte. Hopefully I can get a day or two off for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
2. I need to pick a continuing education course for this year. Will it be geriatrics? Women's Health? Manual Therapy? I guess we will see what's around the corner...

Until then, I will keep organizing the to follow (still)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 337

This weekend was a fun getaway! I got the opportunity to go to Williamsburg (one of my favorite places in the world) and spend some time with my momma and her friends. There is this strange twist of fate friendship between my mom and her friends - and it just happens that we got the opportunity to spend time with her friends and their daughters. What a treat to spend time with these ladies, drink wine, get caught in a rain storm, and enjoy a few CW walks.
 The Ladies....

 The Daughters....

 Planning our Lifetime Movie... 
Ending the weekend with a beautiful walk downtown. 
I love this place. What I blessing I had growing up having this as a home base. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Day 331

My first weekend that I haven't been working was spent lazy and organizing. I was able to enjoy the weather and be outside a little bit while setting up my piano. It was so nice to have that in my presence again. There are those days when I just start playing and look at my hands and think, wow, I my hands are amazing. Now, don't get me wrong, I am no piano genius and my skills are lacking, but my hands in general are a gift. I feel like they have the power to heal AND can make music.

Another part of my weekend was going to a local brewery for a glass of cider. Here were the rules. Apparently flames aren't allowed...and I am really glad they didn't follow the last one too closely:

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 326

Happy New Year!

Wow 2013 has been an amazing year. Here's a quick recap:

1. Completed 3 clinical rotations in NC, SC, and Ohio
2. Moved from WV - Good-bye Wheeling!
3. Graduated, defended my research, and was given my Doctor of Physical Therapy degree.
4. Passed my national board exam
5. Got a great job.
6. Moved closer to friends and family.
7. Gone to numerous UNC football games and a Panthers Game
8. Completed two 5 mile races and two Triathlons with a few 5k races in between.
9. Grew stronger, wiser, and more passionate.

Overall, this has been an amazing year. Braxton and I were lucky enough to spend it together with some friends from undergrad. Cheers to 2014! I never thought I would end up where I am right now, so who knows what this next year will drop on my doorstep.