Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wow. I have many things to be thankful for this year. Among those, my family is at the top of the list. It was so great to go to two thanksgiving lunch/dinners filled with love. Here are some wonderful pictures with the Foley family. Boy, am I grateful for them. 

 Packing up those Thanksgiving left-overs. Dad's stuffing won this year, but I have next year!

 Mitch & Dutch
 Celebrating the November babies!

 A family picture...we miss you Caballero family!

Jaycee's Turkey Baskets

This fall, I was lucky enough to join the Raleigh Jaycees and meet some wonderful people. Soon afterwards, I was coaxed into running their Thanksgiving project. This lead to shopping for 4 cart-fulls of food, 300 lbs of potatoes in my bathtub, and a few hours in the pouring rain. It was all worth it to do some good. Here are some pictures from last weekend:

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Wreath Party!

After my last full week of work, my lovely coworker invited me to a DIY holiday party. We drank wine, had dinner, and made wreaths for the holiday season. My coworkers have become some of my closest friends this year and have been with me through all of my growth as a person and a professional this year. I am forever grateful to them as I make my transition from long term care/short term rehab into outpatient holistic physical therapy. Don't worry! I will still be working a few weekend half-days a month. I won't leave my friends that easily. :)

My wreath in all its glory!

So much deco mesh in this picture! I am pretty sure I still have glitter on my phone.

Monday, November 10, 2014

PA School Friends

So, let me just say that through Braxton's PA school I have met some great friends. It's always fun getting to see them after a long work week, listen to their funny clinical stories, and have a glass of wine. We went out to celebrate Nick's 31st birthday this weekend, but I also have some pictures from weekends beforehand to share. Here's to good friends an good memories. 
 Now we have cycling buddies!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy Halloween!

This year I was very excited for Halloween and the possibility of getting trick-or-treaters. You see, I have a porch now. That means I get to make it scary and have fun meeting my neighbors, right? Wrong. Well, kind of. Upon decorating my house, my neighbor decided to tell me that she has never ever gotten a trick-or-treater. Another time she wanted to reiterate that I not be disappointed. Well, I went to Big Lots for my last minute halloween decor shopping which consisted of some purple string lights, a halloween door mat, tombstones (thanks Dollar Tree), and a skeleton with a bow tie. I also had two strobe lights and the good old witch head in a magic ball. Needless to say, I got some trick-or-treaters! The kids were totally scared by my wicked witch and parents gave me compliments on my house. 

 To wrap this up, this was my costume for work on Friday. I went as a 50's sock hop girl. One of the CNAs asked if I was Amish *facepalm*. many of the residents called me Happy Days and said, "I remember when I had one of those!" Again, I don't think I will ever grow up.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

NC State Fair 2014

This year, I decided to volunteer with the Raleigh Jaycee's Turkey Shoot. What a fun way to raise money for a good cause while shooting a shot gun. With two evening shifts behind me, B and I also spent all day Saturday at the fair riding rides, and people watching. Here are some pics from this past week. Note: not all food was consumed in one day - this is over a week's span. Also, they are horribly out of order, but I am working on it.

 One of the many rides at the state fair - round and round and up and down!

 This was my dinner and entertainment during my break on my Thursday Night shift. Blue grass and some kettle corn sound good to me!

 On my Tuesday shift, I got the pleasure of finding Neomonde. A gluten-free, Mediterranean food truck. What a good surprise on my first  night at the

 I like the view from these glasses...

 Saturday night gluten free dinner at Big Al's BBQ tent. A yummy replacement from the former pulled pork stop with gluten free options for food and sauces. 

 A view from the midway!

What a week it has been! No rest for the weary as another work week begins!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fall Break!

Oh fall break! What college kids use to relax after mid terms and get reared up for finals. Well, for this not-so-college kid, fall break was a relaxing weekend taking walks, mountain biking in the beautiful colored leaves, and getting to squeeze in some time seeing my brother, who was thoroughly enjoying his fall break. Here's to a mini-reunion until Thanksgiving Break. 

Also, I switched from the Iphone to the LG G3 this weekend. I am still learning the rops, but I love the camera and the speed of this new phone. Let's cross our fingers and hope I don't break it!
<3 A

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Meredith & RJ - 10/11/2014

This past weekend ended this year's wedding circuit with the nuptials of Meredith and RJ. Braxton grew up going to high school and college with Meredith. It turns out, Braxton's pictures linked Meredith and RJ together in college. What a small world we live in! Overall, we continue to be blessed with good friends and good times. Cheers to Meredith and RJ!

 The beautiful bride!

 A dance for fathers and daughters....

 The happy couple's first dance!
 Exploring the beautiful gardens outside!

Another fun wedding in the books!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Mini-KKG Reunion

This past weekend was full of catching up with friends. One of my dearest friends, CJ, came into town to watch the UNC football game. Coincidentally, another one of our friends, Rachel, was coming into town as well. Seeing as Chapel Hill is in the middle ground, we got together for a day of sitting in the sunshine, eating good food, and reliving stories. Alexii dropped by as well, which was an added treat!

Although we stink at Football this year, I continue to bleed Carolina Blue.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wills comes to Fuquay!

One of my dearest Kappa sisters made it to the East Coast, and coincidentally to Fuquay. Wills and I have been friends since 2007 and due to her commitment to the Navy, she has been west coast bound for the past year. Not only did we get to see her, but Braxton and I got to spend time with her husband, Evan, as well. What a nice surprise in the middle of the week!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Mr & Mrs Krahel - Columbus, OH

What a wonderful weekend it was celebrating the marriage of one of my dear friends, Jennifer, from PT school. I got to see lots of friends, experience downtown Columbus, and watch a good friend marry the man of her dreams. You can't ask for a better weekend than that!

 Catholic Express Wedding in a beautiful cathedral! 

 The reception was inside an old bank with the bar inside the vault. What a neat reception site!

 Photo booth fun!

What a weekend! Now, after a long ride home, it's time for mexican food and the start of a new week!

A&B signing off for now!