Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Day 263

I'm DONE! Today I finished my national board exam and I feel hopefully free. I will find out in 10 business days whether or not I really passed, but for now it's ignorance is bliss.

Here are the pictures I have promised from the past few weeks!

 Zero-Dark-Thursday! The UNC on ESPN game! It was so much fun to be back in Chapel Hill and attend the game. Sadly, we lost, but we were winning until the last 30 seconds of the game!
Still, it was a good time.

 Bull City Race Fest. Over 5,000 people showed up to run and even more showed up to eat at food trucks. This race wasn't our personal best, or our personal worst. It as actually pretty cold and had a 2 mile walk back to the car, so needless to say the grits I got from Fowler's on the Fly was well worth the wait. 

 Pumpkin Carvings! Mine is the is a minon from Despicable Me. I love those minions. Braxton carved his pumpkin as homage to Campbell University. What day is it? Hump Day! Brittney carved herself a cute ghost. Overall, I learned my friends are OCD and carving a pumpkin is a lot harder than I remember. 

 Finally, Braxton and I went to the State fair! It was full of fun, food (gluten free, now!), and rides. What a fun way to end October and spend Braxton's fall break. 

 45 minute wait for the dog show...but it was worth it to see high flying dogs play with frisbees, high jump, and dock jump. 

 Gluten free cookies at the fair! Yum!

 No minion for us this year, but it was still a fun day. 

Here's to you, NC.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day 260

First off, I apologize for the lack of updating. I will say, I have been busy the past week, and before that I was studying my bottom off - which lead to nothing interesting going on - which lead to no pictures.

SO. With that being said. This is how this upcoming week is going to go:

Monday - STUDY
Tuesday - STUDY
Wednesday - LICENSE EXAM
Thursday  - INTERVIEW
Friday - INTERVIEW X 2

Wow, it's going to be a busy week and I am ready! This upcoming month is going to FLY by and I am excited to see what it has in store for me. I have prepared, I have studied, I feel ready to take this exam and give it my all. I will update photos, because I have a BUNCH, maybe on Halloween.

Again, my sincerest apologies for keeping you on the edge of your seat this month. My life just hasn't been that eventful or interesting.

Here's to November!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day 239

Wowza! I am one lucky girl to have the weekends that I get to experience. After a fabulous Friday night with Braxton' PA school friends relaxing by the pool, and an even more awesome Saturday eating a pumpkin flavored "family dinner" at A^2 apartment, mom and I completed the Ramblin' Rose Triathlon today. It was an event focused on women's empowerment. Even though we got up at 4:55am, got to CH at 6am and were all set up and marked by 6:30am, we had a great time sitting around and just hanging out before the race. My start time was round 8:30 am and I finished around 9:36 am. Needless to say, when they announced my name, which the pronounced correctly for once, mom was in line for the swim and hadn't even started yet! That turned out for the best though, because it was so fun to cheer on mom throughout her first race. Margie showed up to cheer on mom, too, and it was an emotional and happy surprise for her. Here are some pics Braxton took with his fancy shmancy camera.Enjoy.

 Swim is done!

 Here goes the bike!

 Crossing the finish line happy and strong!!

 Hey! They pronounced my name right! That always deserves a celebration!

 Found mom in line for the swim at the end of my race! I was glad that I finished so I could cheer her on for the whole race!

 Races with Bling-Bling really help with the motivation. 

 There she goes! Done with the swim!

 Starting the bike!

 Going strong finishing the bike leg!

 Uphill the last .5 miles? Not fair..but good thing Margie was there to give you some support!

 What an awesome surprise and a great friend!

 My mom ROCKS! End of story. 

 So lucky to have the opportunity to race with her!

 The skillful photographer and his photography subjects. :) Thanks for the pictures, Braxton!

 Margie and Mom . What a great sign!

 Forced Family Fun? More like just FAMILY FUN!

Ready to go home! Now, time to relax. 
Two weeks until the Bull City Racefest with Braxton!