Sunday, September 8, 2013

Day 211

Today was a beautiful day and I just couldn't stay indoors. I started my day off with my PR 2 mile run. After getting a good shower and reading my book for a bit, I went to visit my friend Rachel to attend an ice cream benefit for our sorority's philanthropy 5k. Not only was it > 90 degrees out, but there wasn't much sitting space, so we got our ice cream to-go and went on a wander around our old college campus. We ended up at our old sorority house and got a tour of the updated facilities - which are AMAZING by the way. We also went and walked all around the campus, checked out the new student union, and just reminisced about old times. I don't care what I though then, the "real world" is harder than being an undergraduate, however I honestly have no inkling to return to that environment. It was 4 years of growth and new experiences, however I am very content with how it all ended and I wouldn't want to change any of that. It is so nice to have good friends that keep you going when you're feeling blah, and I can honestly say Rachel is one of them. Here's a pic of the two of us before we got shooed off of the old well by a bunch of bikers. It was quite odd, but funny at the same time.

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