Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 162

Day 162! WOW, I apologize for my lapse in judgment. The past few weeks have chugged by and the weekends FLEW filled with weddings, wineries, and training for next weekends TRIATHLON. (darth vader music begins). Well, hopefully I will cross the finish line. Bought some new threads today to prepare me for the race, advice from a fellow curvy girl triathlon blogger about what to wear - let's hope it works! Otherwise, next week will mark my half way point in this clinical experience. I am glad it is going by, and I am starting to get anxious about finishing up my research paper and beginning to apply for big girl jobs. Anyways, here's the important part - PICTURES! - of the past few weeks.
 First of all, GLUTEN FREE PRODUCTS at Lowe's Foods! Pillsbury has come out with gluten free ready-made-to-scoop cookie dough, pie crust, and pizza dough. Plan is to try the cookies sometime this week. :) Way to go, Gluten Free Awareness!

 Braxton and I at Twin Lakes for a wonderful birthday dinner. It was so nice to have company for the week, although I never got off early to go to the beach. 

 Happy Birthday, Braxton! So glad you chose to spend it with me!

 Braxton and his favorite pie, Key Lime! It was so sweet of them to give him a complementary key lime on his birthday. Plus, the view and the weather were perfect to dine by the waterway. 

Elissa and Ashley take on Gregory Vineyards! This was from a few weeks ago, but it still deserves a picture. I love this girl as if she were my sister and am so blessed to have her in my life!

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