Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 169

We did it! After a week of getting my iphone stolen, lots of hard work, and many 5am early mornings, I can say that Braxton and I finished our first triathlon!

Braxton completed it in 1 hr 8 minutes and came in 3rd in his category. I finished in 1 hr 15 minutes and came in 4th in my category. I had a mess up on the bicycle - my seat gave way and plummeted to the bottom at mile 3, leaving me the rest of the time to eat my thighs and push through hills. If any of you have ever tried riding a bike fast on a bike that is too short for you, you know how I feel. It was tough and killed my bike time (37 minutes - Blegh) BUT I was able to make up with quick transitions, a < 6 minute swim and < 30 minute 5k. So, it wasn't a total bust, and although I am no professional and I know these numbers are by no means "impressive" I am excited to say that I am no longer labeled "One Lap Ashley" and I can officially call myself an athlete. I am so glad we had a wonderful cheering section - Thanks Mom and Dad for coming to cheer us on!! No races in August planned at this time...Two 5k races (One for the family, another for my sorority) in September, a triathlon (with mom!) - 5 mile race - and 5k in October, and currently thinking about suggestions for November or December. This fitness stuff is addicting. ;)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 162

Day 162! WOW, I apologize for my lapse in judgment. The past few weeks have chugged by and the weekends FLEW filled with weddings, wineries, and training for next weekends TRIATHLON. (darth vader music begins). Well, hopefully I will cross the finish line. Bought some new threads today to prepare me for the race, advice from a fellow curvy girl triathlon blogger about what to wear - let's hope it works! Otherwise, next week will mark my half way point in this clinical experience. I am glad it is going by, and I am starting to get anxious about finishing up my research paper and beginning to apply for big girl jobs. Anyways, here's the important part - PICTURES! - of the past few weeks.
 First of all, GLUTEN FREE PRODUCTS at Lowe's Foods! Pillsbury has come out with gluten free ready-made-to-scoop cookie dough, pie crust, and pizza dough. Plan is to try the cookies sometime this week. :) Way to go, Gluten Free Awareness!

 Braxton and I at Twin Lakes for a wonderful birthday dinner. It was so nice to have company for the week, although I never got off early to go to the beach. 

 Happy Birthday, Braxton! So glad you chose to spend it with me!

 Braxton and his favorite pie, Key Lime! It was so sweet of them to give him a complementary key lime on his birthday. Plus, the view and the weather were perfect to dine by the waterway. 

Elissa and Ashley take on Gregory Vineyards! This was from a few weeks ago, but it still deserves a picture. I love this girl as if she were my sister and am so blessed to have her in my life!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 149

I had such a wonderful time in Peru and a crazy week of back-to-work afterwards, followed by a speed-by weekend that didn't last long enough. Anyways, here are some pictures from my Peruvian adventures!

 A view from up high of the Pacific Ocean...this landscape is different every which way you turn!

 This is the school for special needs children we worked with in the mornings...what a great place and an amazing learning experience for all involved!

 Visiting the grave of the man who built the Maternidad from the ground up. I never knew this man, but seeing his work is inspiring and uplifting. 

 The only hospice in South America! It is a little oasis of beauty in the middle of such poverty. 

 Three of the girls outside of the airport after 12 hours + of travel. Next time I am saving the money and flying business or if I am really lucky - first class. 

 A view of the desert scenery. It is literally a giant sand ocean wherever you look!

 The white mountain! Where the Moche used to think the gods lived. It does look quite inconspicuous that day. 

 Moche history museum. 

 Huaca de la Luna. An inverted pyramid that has been around since 500 AD. 

 The happy god of human sacrifice. I think someone just got sacrificed. 

 The outside of Huaca de la is HUGE!

 Each level of the pyramid has it's own insignia. The Moche coveted the moon and the ocean, unlike the Inca who coveted the sun and the land. The Moche reigned for longer periods of time and were more prosperous than the Inca however the Inca are more well known. 

 Chan Chan - a city made completely out of petrified mud. 

 The sea otters are oriented with the waves which tell you where to go in the pyramids. It was the high priests way of secretly guiding themselves around the religious enclosure. 



 The labyrinth of halls made out of dried mud.
 The sacrificial pond in Chan Chan - a natural spring in the middle of the desert. 

 Don't fall off!

 Hilda - our PT that we worked with at the children's school - in traditional Peruvian festival wear!

 Brother and Sister - 70 + year old little people. Some of the most interesting stories come from those you would least expect!

 Dr. Jason - offered a rather large rabbit for his services. Unfortunately we had to turn down the offer due to customs regulations. We were given 3 avocados instead.

 The Maternidad in Chimbote, Peru. 

 There are two other people and a large suitcase that are not pictured here. We are all in the back of a 4 person taxi. 

 Cathedral in downtown Lima, Peru. 

 Beautiful Plaza in Lima, Peru!

 Sammy Pants with her Mango Sour - Cafe de la Paz.
Dr. Tim and I with our Marcuya and Pisco sours! 
