Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 44

Have four days really flown by that fast? Well, I have lots of pictures but I will not be able to load them until I get Braxton's computer charger. Here are the highlights of the past few days:

  • I got A's on all of my midterms!
  • I drove home from wv and only have to make the to/fro drive 6 more times until my pinning. 
  • I got a clinical site in an outpatient clinic in which I will be living with Braxton's family. 
  • I got to cuddle with peaches.
  • I got to hot tub. 
  • I ate yummy home cooked food and Mediterranean Deli
  • I found a new trail to walk in carborro in the woods
I will hopefully get some pictures soon!

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