Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day 47

Happy Easter! I have had a wonderful time at home and it is time to come back to reality and finish up my last semester in pt school. In think the priest said it right today at mass when he said, "He wasn't on the cross so you don't suffer. He was up there to give you hope that there is something better and something to look forward to and something to have faith in. " I think people forget about this and I think it is important to remember that fact.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 44

Have four days really flown by that fast? Well, I have lots of pictures but I will not be able to load them until I get Braxton's computer charger. Here are the highlights of the past few days:

  • I got A's on all of my midterms!
  • I drove home from wv and only have to make the to/fro drive 6 more times until my pinning. 
  • I got a clinical site in an outpatient clinic in which I will be living with Braxton's family. 
  • I got to cuddle with peaches.
  • I got to hot tub. 
  • I ate yummy home cooked food and Mediterranean Deli
  • I found a new trail to walk in carborro in the woods
I will hopefully get some pictures soon!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day 40

I have had the past two days off! It has been glorious catching up on work and all of my tv!
Here is a little diddy I came across. Enjoy it.!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Day 38

Okay, So I took a 5 day hiatus. In my defense I was living out of school. I had a wonderful visitor for 2 days! Kaitlyn came to see me! It was awesome to have such a good friend visit. I can't wait to check out Washington State and see the west coast a bit. Thanks for the excuse!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day 33

Ran 4 miles, cleaned the apartment, studied my butt i am stuffy nosed and sick feeling. Early to bed! Tomorrow is the start of midterms week! Yikes! This week better fly by fast...10 days until I am home!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 31 and 32

I know this combining days isn't nice...but I am trying! It is busy midterms times, and instead of going out for St. Patty's Day... I am in studying. Right now I am winding down with a woodchuck, and reading Hillegass.

I did find out yesterday that I was accepted to a prestigious honors society and that I am teh only graduate school out of the school that was accepted, so yay for hard work! Now, to continue that work throughout the week.

Here are my pictures!

This one is from yesterday, we learned how to tape ankles and Sammy and I were practicing for our checkout.

Also, Happy St. Patty's Day from a tired PT student!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 29 and 30

So! I am aware that I did not update yesterday. I apologize. There was crazy snow, and then sunshine, and then I was caught doing work all day. SO, even though I didn't do too much exciting and did work all day, I am going to share with you all some exciting news.....

My cap and gown are in! And yes..that is my doctoral hood. May 18th needs to hurry up and get here!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 28

Here is how my day went:

While studying at school I had a professor ask me....

Then, I got my tests and the first thing I thought to myself when looking at the basic test was....

It was at this point when I felt like:

After some serious test taking, I got some questions down to two answers and thought to myself...

When I left the testing room I felt like the first picture. However, after hearing people talk about the actually correct answers I felt like the bottom picture.

I spent most of the rest of the day to myself. No more work until tomorrow. There are some times in PT school where I feel like this...especially when we have midterms next week (and paperwork due, and class, and research, and projects):

Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 27

I survived 1. 4 to go. 100% on my business quiz.
I haven't slept well in 2 nights...let's hope tonight goes better than the last because I am going to need all of my strength for tomorrow. I have class at 8:30 am...a skills quiz at 1:40 pm and 3 other tests given at 2:30 pm. THEN I am either going for a destressing run or elliptical..whichever is open/if the weather is nice.
Here's to the next 15 hours! (hopefully 7 of them will be a restful night's sleep)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 26

I have been studying for the past 13 hours. I will be studying for another 48 hours. Countdown until Tuesday at 4:30 pm...when all of my testing and assignments were done.
Today we were studying and noticed somebody had put a little friend in the ceiling. This is who has been keeping me company today (this little guy and lauren).

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day 25

Back at school cramming for 4 tests, a skills check out and a paper. Day lift savings could not have come at a more worse time. More to come. Sleepy

Friday, March 8, 2013

Days 23 and 24

So I have been super busy the past few days! I have been running, and eating food and spending some time with friends and family before returning back to school tomorrow for Testing and Midterms. I am nervous to go back, because there is so much to do, but it helps to know that I will be home sooner than later! Today mom and dad took Braxton and I wine tasting. It was a fun way to relax before the long drive tomorrow.

Also, this is my green smoothie for breakfast. You should try it. Amazing.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 22

So, today has been a more relaxed day that went by rather quickly. I got to practice some much needed manipulation techniques along with finishing up some school assignments. Braxton and I then went for a 3 mile jog...which killed me. I don't know why that killed me, but I better step it up for tomorrow's jog/bike route. After a much needed trip to REI for a kickstand and an ipod armband, I got a shower and braxton and I went to Sandwhich for dinner. Thanks Dad for the groupon! That is one of my favorite places to eat in Chapel Hill. Currently, we are watching the Carolina/Maryland game. We are enjoying a bottle of Mary Elizabeth Wine from Gregory Vineyards (yum!) and some home made popcorn over the stove. If you ever want a whirly makes the best popcorn, never burnt, and perfectly healthy/salted every time.

Here are my pictures from yesterday (as promised) and today.

Varsity Theater for a showing of Argo. I love that groupon!

Whirley Pop makes the BEST popcorn EVER!!!!!!!

Study time with peaches. She is so cuddly  these days.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 21

Today was a relatively boring day. I had to run errands around Durham and got to spend some quality time with peaches and my mom. Then I raced Braxton back to his apartment for dinner (Los pos) and a movie. Argo was amazing. In highly recommend it. It also sparks interest in history and politics which I appreciate. I feel like kids and people should never stop asking "why?" And no one should get stop wondering about the past or thinking toward the future. I will ad pictures tomorrow because I am currently updating this from my phone. Cheers!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 20

So I am happy to report I feel much better today. Over the past few days I have a new bike that I love. I got to spend some time with my peaches, whom I love. I also got to have dinner with Elissa and Alexii, whom I love.
It has been a good last 3 days, minus the upset stomach.

Peaches decided she needed a buddy. She chose Braxton. 

Yay! My new bike!
 Mmmmm Sandwhich after a long day of bike shopping. Gluten free bread is awesome!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 18 and 19

Watching peaches, buyin bicycles, riding bicycles, and feeling like a have food poisoning. More to come when I am not puking. It is a dangerous environment for the phone or laptop.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Day 17

There is something about coming home that just makes the world right again. Since I spent most of my day in class and on the road I do not have a picture. Also, I was so tired from the drive, all I wanted to do is eat food and watch TV.  Tomorrow I am meeting up with Braxton to go bike shopping. I will make sure intake pictures then!