Thursday, September 1, 2016

CJ + Jon Reception - Mahwah, NJ

This past weekend I got the pleasure of celebrating the marriage of one of my best friends, Caitlin to her husband Jon,  in New Jersey with some of my closest friends and sisters. CJ (as she is most fondly known) and Jon were wed in New Zealand (where CJ is in grad school, Jon is deployed in Bahrain currently) this past January and we got the pleasure of celebrating with them and their families this past weekend. Sadly, I wish I had taken more pictures, especially of Kaitlyn and Evan's baby Ethan, but these will have to do!

 Kappa Kappa Gamma Pledge Class Fall 2007

 Kappa Girls in a "sorority squat" - a form of getting more girls in one picture. 

 Making our owls

The happy couple

Oh. And there was an ice cream truck. YUM.

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