Tuesday, February 16, 2016

27 Birthday

It has officially been 3 years since I started this blog. I am so happy to have all of my memories documented with videos, pictures, and journal entries. It is so much fun for me to look back on how much I have grown up over the past few years and it makes me excited on the years to come. They can slow down though, don't want them to come too fast. 

This year, for my birthday, I had 3 things on my "To Do" list. 
1. Exercise 
2. Dinner with Braxton and Mom & Dad 
(plus cuddle time with Lucky Pup)
3. Drinks with a good friend

Fortunately, all my birthday wishes came true and I had a relaxing weekend enjoying the simple things in life and cake. Lots of cake. 

(more pics to come)
 My surprise birthday banner!

 My surprise birthday balloon/flowers/watch. He certainly knows how to make me feel special!

 A gluten-free birthday cake! Yum!

Dancing to my birthday balloon that plays a fun version of "happy birthday"

Cheers to 27. Best year yet, I bet. :)

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