Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Graduation Day!

Day 2 of graduation was the formal graduation ceremony. Lucky for us, the PA class were the only graduating class that ceremony, which led to a very quick and personal ceremony. The cherry on top of the graduation sundae was watching Braxton win two awards. The first was Pi Alpha - the PA honor society accepting only the top 15% of the class - all of seven people! The second awards was a professionalism award chosen by the faculty. There were only 6 awards given out that day and we were so happy that Braxton got two of them. What an amazing journey this has been. Campbell University was a wonderful place for Braxton and friends to learn all about being a wonderful physician. 

 They had to stand up on a special step to "hood" him. 

 Accepting his "faux" diploma.

 We are so happy!

 Braxton and my Fam Part 2

Braxton and his Fam Part 2

My super smart and professional PA with his two awards. 

What a smart cookie I am dating! Congrats! Cheers to finding a job and our lives ahead!

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