Sunday, January 25, 2015


What another great weekend in Chapel Hill! 
 First stop, SandWhich. All organic and with gluten-free options, this store is heaven in your mouth. If only we could get one of these in Raleigh. 

 A view from our nosebleed seats at the game. These were even higher up from the last, but there isn't necessarily a bad seat in the Dean Dome.

Here we are sporting our new UNC apparel. After the game (UNC WON!) we went to Performance Bicycles for some much needed bike parts, Alfredo's Pizza for an amazing gluten free pie, and then off to Raleigh to help out B's Nana. 

This Sunday was finally a Sunday where I got to clean, run errands, and seriously get organized. I also hit my 6 mile long run on pace of 10 min/mile. Here's to another week of crazy work, training, and a busy weekend ahead. 

<3 A

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