Sunday, January 25, 2015


What another great weekend in Chapel Hill! 
 First stop, SandWhich. All organic and with gluten-free options, this store is heaven in your mouth. If only we could get one of these in Raleigh. 

 A view from our nosebleed seats at the game. These were even higher up from the last, but there isn't necessarily a bad seat in the Dean Dome.

Here we are sporting our new UNC apparel. After the game (UNC WON!) we went to Performance Bicycles for some much needed bike parts, Alfredo's Pizza for an amazing gluten free pie, and then off to Raleigh to help out B's Nana. 

This Sunday was finally a Sunday where I got to clean, run errands, and seriously get organized. I also hit my 6 mile long run on pace of 10 min/mile. Here's to another week of crazy work, training, and a busy weekend ahead. 

<3 A

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

UNC Basketball Weekend

Recently, my weekends have been filled with training, running errands, cleaning, and work at job #2. It was such a treat to spend Sunday evening watching the Tar Heels kick some Hokie Bottom. UNC athletics was having a 50% off deal to fill some of the nose bleed seats, and we took full advantage of it. Let's just say, nose bleeds is a real thing. I was afraid that if I fell over, I would tumble down a few stories. This Saturday, I am swapping my training for another UNC basketball game. No worries, I will be back on the pavement Sunday. Half-marathon here I come!

Another win for Roy's Boys!


Belated Christmas post. 
It was so nice to be in the new house for Christmas. Mom decorated it beautifully. It was a fun day to be with family, go for a jog, watch a movie, get filled with roast beef, and win $30 in scratch off tickets. Most importantly, it was great just to sit around and chill. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

St. Maarteen/ St. Martin

 Double Rainbow to start off our day at St. Maarteen!

 Water taxi over to the beach!

 Random Star Wars museum...
 This man was responsible for creating some Yodas and other popular characters. He now lives on the island and has a foundation for young children who want to pursue the arts. 

 Relaxing beachfront until our excursion!

 Snorkeling at a crash site. This was a part of a helicopter. 

 Feeding the fish

 Holding a white sea urchin. 

 Dutch side on the left, French side on the right

 Can you spot the plane? 

 Beach time with a floating bar. 

Our day at St. Martin was filled with beaches, sunshine, fish, and airplanes. We had a great power boat tour and loved getting to spend time floating in the sea. 

St. Thomas

 What a beautiful day in St. Thomas!

 Off on a Catamaran to do some snorkeling!

 Shipwreck Cove!

 Our Scuba Buddy.

 Walk around St. Thomas to do some shopping!
 Christmas tree in the Carribean!

What a beautiful day on St. Thomas! Not only did we get to do some great snorkeling, but we got to walk around and see some great scenery. It was hot (89 degrees!) and lovely.

Princess Cays

 Time to take a tender to Princess Cays!

 In-Port walk around! You can see the ocean right under your feet!



What a great day in Princess Cays! We got to Snorkel, walk around, take pictures, and eat a yummy lunch right on the beach!