Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Day 319

Merry Christmas!

I swore I wasn't going to neglect this...however due to working full time and not getting my whole house put together, I have been waiting to get everything up before I took pictures, but I guess that's too long from now. It was so nice to be home today for the holiday. To be home with family is one of the nicest gifts this christmas.

For Christmas, Braxton got us Panthers tickets and dance lessons for the two of us. Here are some latest pics from this past weekend:

Friday, December 13, 2013

Day 307

It is Friday and my upcoming move is this Sunday. Though I am sad to go and have gotten used to having company at all times, I am ready to establish my adult life. Things I have realized from the moving process:
1. Everything is more expensive than you think it is. Having little credit, my security deposits are off the wall and everything requires an initial installation or initiation fee of some kind.

2. I don't know if I need cable. Though I love my TV shows, I am going to try an experiment for a few months and invest in Apple TV or Roku. With a flat fee and then starting up my subscription to Hulu and Netflix, I believe I can save around $60 per month of cable.

3. I think I am okay keeping my old hand-me-down items until I get a few more months pay under my belt. Considering I didn't have a full week's paycheck under my belt, I spent the whole paycheck plus savings on my rent and 1/2 security deposit this month. Though I have my wishlist for some upgrades that were made in the year 2000, I am excited to start the process of moving in and upgrading to some adult staples.

4. This calling and spending hours on the phone to set up accounts and going before work to set up accounts is for the birds. Do people still fax? Also, would it kill to email some of this stuff in?

SO, I will give an update on Monday (that's when they are installing my internet) on how the move went. To sign are some things my wise oldies have taught me this week:

*Your butt checks should be referred to as your "biscuits".
*Sometimes it's important to just hold someone's hand.
*Poop really isn't that big of a deal. Farts are even less of a deal.
*Always wear a bra...or your tatas will end up by your belly button or lower.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Day 302

This past week was long, and the weekend was welcomed with a Holiday Gala and some well needed relaxation time. Spending time celebrating the end of Braxton's first semester of PA school with all of his friends was so much fun! Top top the weekend off, I saw the coolest house with Christmas lights this weekend. It had everything from a T-Rex, to the nativity, to Sponge Bob, and South Park. It was so funny. Plus, it had it's own radio station. Here are a few shots I got of the house. Hopefully it will spread some Christmas cheer.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 297

Big News!!!

I just signed a lease for a place to live! It is a nice townhome, so close to work, and perfect distance from the BF and the Fam. After looking at many different apartments with granite counter tops, valet trash, and fancy fitness centers, I realized that I wasn't paying for square feet, I was paying for all of the upgrades. Though they were beautiful and I could see myself at most places, I couldn't really see myself building a home for an extended period of time. I felt young and temporary. Finally, while trying to make my decision, my mother and I ran across a few townhomes for sale and rent. That same day, someone called us back to check in on one. It could've gone either way: outdated and a dump or a hidden gem. Luckily, I found the hidden gem. Although I will be giving up some counter space, fancy appliances, granite counter tops, large jet filled tubs, and a fancy gym just steps from my doorstep, I will be gaining > 500 sq ft and amazing closets. There is a space for my bike (and hopefully a new road bike this spring!) along with a small fenced in yard for a dog (maybe this summer). Though it needs some TLC and personalization, I am excited to get this new chapter of my life officially started! Move-in day will be in a few weeks, expect some pictures and updates on new furniture as the new year progresses.
