Saturday, April 9, 2016

Easter and the New Apartment

This past Easter we had the pleasure of having Mitch come into town. After a lovely church service, it was time for Mom, Dad, and Mitch to tour the new apartment. We have a semi-urban living environment in downtown Durham that is so convenient and fun. Although it was raining pretty heavily most of the day, it was nice to be with family and celebrate Easter. 

 Pre-move in view of the kitchen! We have a 2 BR, 2 BA apartment with a lovely study. I will be sure to post updated pictures eventually, but everyone is welcome to come over for a tour. 

Easter family portrait. Love my family.

The Run I won!

This March, we were told of a race in Oxford, Braxton's new work town. It supported the local community with a race followed by a food truck rodeo. As you would have it, I ran the best 5k time I have ever run and ended up winning first place in my age group!

Now it's time to train for my triathlon in May!

Ashley and Pops' Birthday

I am so sorry for the lapse in updates. In the past month we have had a lot of changes: new jobs for the both of us, a new apartment, and lots of fun events!

Time to Flashback to Pops' 80th birthday in Durham. We had a lovely night at the club having dinner followed by yummy cake. It was nice to get to spend the evening. Sharing a birthday close to Pops' always makes the day special. 


 Wish I could have gotten a better picture light, but this will have to do!

Lucky Pups hoping to get cake too!