Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Book of Mormon!

For Christmas, Mom and Dad gave us tickets to The Book of Mormon - probably one of the funniest musicals I have ever seen. Heed my word though - watch a full season of South Park to get used to the crudeness and subject matter. Either way we had a wonderful night having dinner and drinks at Tyler's Taproom and enjoying the show at the Durham Performing Arts Center. 

Happy Birthday Dad!

So my dad has finally won me over in the sushi category. For dad's birthday everyone got together and had a boat load of sushi. Even Alejandra ate the sushi. We will have to keep working on Mom. 

Foley Christmas

Here's to another Foley Christmas! We had secret santa, which in my opinion the highlight was dad making the corn hole boards for Mary. We had such a good time playing corn hole, eating yummy Virginia Ham, and visiting with Family. What a treat to have everyone together in quite some time.

 Cousin Time!

 Hand-drawn Christmas plates!

 Elf and Princess Santa. 

 The Corn Hole Queen and the Carpenter

Christmas 2015

It was Lucky's first Christmas! Good time to spoil him, spend time with my family, and see a great movie, "The Big Short". It was fun to have Mitchell home visiting from Charlotte. 

 Someone likes to hide under the tree!

 Christmas Candy Cane from Santa Ashley that lasted all of 45 minutes. Meet Lucky! The destroyer of all things fluffy. 

We had the movie theatre to ourselves! This lasted for about 3 minutes, then the movie was so full there were hardly any seats left.