Monday, September 28, 2015

Jackie and Nick's Wedding

This past Friday we got the pleasure of celebrating the marriage of our dear friends, Nick and Jackie. Jackie is one of Braxton's good friends from UNC and we also did their engagement pics this past spring. The ceremony was lovely and kept a full Catholic mass to under 1 hour (the priest really deserves a medal for that one). The ceremony was downtown at a modern banquet hall the bride's mother decorated in a forest theme. The cake topper were even two love birds nesting. It was so much fun and a great way to celebrate the beginning of their life together as husband and wife. 
Cheers to Jackie and Nick!

 The first dance - Love Me Tender

 Cutting the cake... yummy!

 My handsome date for the night.

 Congrats to the bride and groom!

A fresh lavender send off for the happy couple!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Labor Day 2015- Tubing and S'mores

This past labor day we took an awesome family vacation to the NC/TN/GA line for some mountain fun. One day we spent the day making a Tube-zilla and floated down the river. The other day we went rafting and completely killed it on the water! It was such a fun vacation with Mom, Dad, Helen, Mitch, and Braxton. Next family reunion: Wine Party 2015!