Sunday, June 8, 2014

One Crazy Weekend

Okay! So, my life has been kind of boring and busy with work stuff. This weekend Braxton and I took advantage of the weather and ran a last-minute 10k race and the next day got lost finding the American Tobacco Trail and ended up biking 26 miles. Here's to a beautiful weekend and (hopefully) a quick work week!

 The race this weekend celebrated the union of both towns, "Fuquay" and "Varina". It was a family-friendly race that housed a 10k and 5k. We were originally signed up for the 5k, however at the last minute we switched to the 10k. This was one of the most hilly runs I have ever ran, but thankfully there were some nice people that sat out on their front porch with hoses and sprayed water on people as they ran by. I guess all of my cross-training paid off because I survived and still had some juice left. 

This Sunday, we decided we would take the tri bikes out for a spin on the American Tobacco Trail. We weren't sure where the trail head started, so we ended up on the Cary Parkway for about 6 miles before we actually found it. We rode all the way to Southpoint and treated ourselves to some Sweet Frog Frozen Yogurt. It was JUST what I needed to keep going 10 more miles back to the car. All of those spin classes are actually helping with my cycling. 

Now to take some ibuprofen and relax. Here's to a new week!